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The New Gatekeepers - Benedict Evans

Resource Type: Webinars


The New Gatekeepers

In this webinar, Benedict Evans sheds light on the crucial macro and micro factors that are reshaping the technology landscape, offering a roadmap for businesses to navigate these transformative times successfully.

October 21, 2023

30 mins

Benedict Evans, Strategic tech futurist

In alignment with our quest to unravel the mysteries of what lies ahead in the world of commerce, Benedict Evans delves into his extensive research and insights.

In this webinar, he sheds light on the crucial macro and micro factors that are reshaping the technology landscape, offering a roadmap for businesses to navigate these transformative times successfully.

With changing players and unprecedented routes to market, brands are compelled to exhibit unprecedented agility and adaptability. Benedict Evans will guide you through the maze of emerging trends, giving you a glimpse into the evolving dynamics of gatekeepers in this ever-evolving technological era.

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This session may contain strong language.

Watch an extract from the session below.